Tuesday 13 January 2015

Aurora Arcology still under lockdown

As reported roughly a month ago, immigration to the Aurora Arcology in Irjunen was halted due to the appearance of an unidentified structure in the system. This lockdown was called as the unidentified structure could be a threat to transports, along with the Seekers tied to it.
Initially it was expected that the Arek'Jaalan research into these structures & seekers would unveil more of their purpose.
Currently, the month long immigration halt has caused a major build-up of refugees in various temporary camps across the cluster. Normally these camps aren't meant to house such large numbers for so long.
Right now, a few emergency measurements have been taken, like increased budget, additional shelter, at the cost of personal space, etc. However, these are merely meant as a short-time solution!

However, with the recent announcement by Concord concerning the Seeker drones evolving, it is expected that the threat level won't go down anytime soon. This would cause a problem, as people need to be moved. The temporary refugee camps can't keep accepting people without consequences, many of them are already close to their limit!
Should the situation endure, Arcology Management will organize a Convoy operation by the end of this month.
The aim of this Convoy operation would be to pool together the waiting refugees at a collection point. Once the collection point camp is filled, a Convoy will transport these people to the Arcology, under the protection of a security escort.
The aim of this is to continue to provide refugees with the shelter & guidance of the Aurora Arcology in their search for a new start in their lives, instead of being trapped in a refugee camp.

For the Convoy & security escort, Aurora Arcology hopes to call on it's capsuleer supporters for assistance. The date for this escort & convoy would be 30 January, Friday-evening. The hour will be shared closer to the date along with a more detailed announcement. Edit! Delayed to February 7, Saturday due to unforeseen circumstances!
If you are interested in participating in the convoy, either as mover or escort: contact Jandice Ymladris!

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